The UU Urban Ministry is supported by, and is accountable to, our member congregations, which make financial contributions and participate in the social justice work of the UU Urban Ministry. Each member congregation is entitled to three delegates, who serve as the congregation’s representatives to the UU Urban Ministry.
The UU Urban Ministry is always eager to participate in the worship and social justice life of area UU congregations, especially preaching opportunities and speaking engagements. This can help raise awareness within the congregation about social justice issues, particularly the work of the UU Urban Ministry. Please email us at to learn more or schedule your preaching or speaking engagement.
Each member church is entitled to three delegates, who represent the member churches to the UU Urban Ministry and participate in our Annual Meeting in May. Delegates to the UU Urban Ministry play a critical role in the support and governance of the organization and its social justice activities, and they serve as liaisons between the member congregations and the UU Urban Ministry.
Remaining informed about the UU Urban Ministry, its mission, programs and activities, and providing your insights and advice to the leadership and staff of the UU Urban Ministry.
Acting as a liaison between your congregation and the UU Urban Ministry by:
Keeping your congregation informed of UU Urban Ministry programs, activities and volunteer opportunities (for example, through announcements in worship and your church newsletter, and by directing communications to appropriate committees).
Advising the UU Urban Ministry about the social justice outreach requirements and potential of your congregation.
Inviting and sponsoring UU Urban Ministry staff as appropriate for worship, social justice or educational events in your parish.