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Gentrification (UUUM's Community Conversations Series)

Tue, Feb 08



Gentrification: Root causes | Impact on individuals and families | What's being done to combat it, and how others can help those efforts. Join us and our guests Ronel Remy and Paula Coar from City Life/Vida Urbana Thank you to our event sponsor: First Parish Church Weston

Event Info & Zoom Link are below
Gentrification (UUUM's Community Conversations Series)
Gentrification (UUUM's Community Conversations Series)

Time & Location

Feb 08, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM


About the Event

"Gentrification: The root causes, how it is impacting individuals and families, what is being done to combat it, and how others can help those efforts."

Our guests will be Ronel Remy and Paula Coar from City Life/Vida Urbana.

City Life/Vida Urbana is a grassroots community organization committed to fighting for racial, social and economic justice and gender equality by building working class power.

The organization promotes individual empowerment, development of community leaders, and building collective power to effect systemic change and transform society.


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Description: Gentrification: The root causes, how it is impacting individuals and families, what is being done to combat it, and how others can help those efforts  

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